Skills to Care Program
Skills2Care® is a proven home program that improves well-being and skills of family caregivers, slows decline in daily functioning of persons with dementia, and reduces challenging behaviours that can trigger nursing home placement.
Occupational therapists trained and certified in Skills2Care® provide hands-on-education to families to enhance their abilities to manage day-to-day challenges and take care of themselves. Care strategies are developed and implemented, and are tailored to the unique needs and environments of families.
Occupational therapists certified in Skills2Care® teach caregivers how to manage the day-to-day challenges of dementia. The program content includes:
- Understanding dementia
- Reducing challenging behaviours
- Promoting function
- Communicating effectively
- Making the home safer
- Ways to care for themselves while providing the best care possible
If you would like more information or would like to sign up for the program,
please contact us today.