
Neuropsychology is the study and evaluation of the complex relationships involved in brain functioning and our behaviour, mental processes, and emotions. Our brains regulate, integrate, and coordinate all of our behaviour. An injury to our brain—because of physical trauma, stroke, or illness—may thus result in many different kinds of difficulty. The specific impact of a brain injury will depend on what part of the brain has been affected and the nature and severity of the injury. A thorough examination of the links between the brain and our behaviour is the purpose of neuropsychological assessment. These assessments can identify impairments and may be able to make recommendations guiding rehabilitation.

A common type of brain injury encountered in our practices is concussion. Essentially, a concussion occurs when there is a rapid acceleration/deceleration and/or rotation of the brain within the skull. This happens regularly in contact sports, but also occurs in many motor vehicle accidents. Concussion causes injuries to the neurons and cells of the brain. The result can be a variety of symptoms that limit and impair our everyday functioning. Persistent headache, dizziness, problems in mental focus, to cite just a few examples, are frequent problems caused by concussion. It is possible for these symptoms to resolve on their own, but recovery can be facilitated by specific treatments.